Federal government pledges full implementation of new minimum wage

However, I need to clarify that the information you provided is not accurate. The federal government has not pledged full implementation of a new minimum wage.

In the United States, the federal minimum wage is currently set at $7.25 per hour, and it has not been increased since 2009. There have been ongoing efforts to raise the minimum wage, including proposals from the Biden administration and some members of Congress. However, these efforts have not yet resulted in a new minimum wage being implemented.

It's possible that you may be thinking of a specific state or local government that has implemented a higher minimum wage. Some cities and states have raised their minimum wages above the federal level, but these changes are typically made at the state or local level, rather than at the federal level.

If you could provide more context or clarify what you mean by "full implementation of a new minimum wage," I'd be happy to try and help you further!