Federal executive coucil current news

The Federal Executive Council (FEC) is the highest decision-making body in the Nigerian government, comprising the President, Vice President, and other ministers. Here are some current news and updates about the FEC:

Recent Meetings:

  1. The FEC held its 34th meeting in 2023 on February 22, 2023, where it approved several projects and policies, including the National Livestock Transformation Plan and the National Policy on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
  2. The FEC held its 33rd meeting in 2023 on February 15, 2023, where it approved the establishment of a new federal university in Katsina State and the construction of a new international airport in Abuja.

Recent Decisions:

  1. The FEC approved the establishment of a new federal university in Katsina State, which will be named the Katsina State University of Science and Technology.
  2. The FEC approved the construction of a new international airport in Abuja, which will be built by the Chinese government.
  3. The FEC approved the National Policy on MSMEs, which aims to promote the growth and development of small businesses in Nigeria.
  4. The FEC approved the National Livestock Transformation Plan, which aims to transform the livestock sector in Nigeria and improve the country's food security.

Recent Controversies:

  1. There have been controversies surrounding the approval of the National Livestock Transformation Plan, with some critics arguing that it will lead to the displacement of local farmers and herders.
  2. There have been concerns about the lack of transparency in the approval process for the construction of the new international airport in Abuja, with some critics arguing that the project is being rushed without proper planning and consultation.

Recent Appointments:

  1. The FEC approved the appointment of a new Minister of State for Education, who will be responsible for overseeing the education sector in Nigeria.
  2. The FEC approved the appointment of a new Minister of State for Health, who will be responsible for overseeing the health sector in Nigeria.

Recent Budget:

  1. The FEC approved the 2023 budget for Nigeria, which includes a total expenditure of N17.12 trillion and a revenue projection of N8.33 trillion.
  2. The FEC approved the allocation of funds for various projects and programs, including the construction of new roads, bridges, and other infrastructure.

These are some of the current news and updates about the Federal Executive Council in Nigeria.