Federal electric breakers

Federal Pacific Electric (FPE) breakers are a type of electrical breaker that was widely used in the United States from the 1950s to the 1980s. They were known for their affordability and ease of installation, but have since been recalled and are no longer recommended for use.

Here are some key facts about Federal Pacific Electric breakers:

History: FPE was founded in 1926 and was acquired by General Electric (GE) in 1982. During its peak, FPE was one of the largest manufacturers of electrical breakers in the United States.

Design and functionality: FPE breakers were designed to be a cost-effective alternative to other breakers on the market. They used a different design and materials than other breakers, which made them more prone to failure.

Recall: In 1982, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued a recall of FPE breakers due to reports of electrical fires and shock hazards. The recall was expanded in 1985 to include additional models.

Safety concerns: FPE breakers have been linked to numerous electrical fires and shock hazards over the years. The breakers' design and materials made them more susceptible to overheating, arcing, and melting, which can lead to electrical fires.

Recommendations: The National Electric Code (NEC) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommend that FPE breakers be replaced with newer, safer breakers. Many insurance companies and homeowners' associations also require the replacement of FPE breakers as a condition of coverage or membership.

Replacement options: If you have FPE breakers in your home or business, it's recommended that you replace them with newer, safer breakers that meet modern safety standards. Some popular replacement options include:

Cost and installation: Replacing FPE breakers can be a costly and time-consuming process, especially if you need to hire an electrician to do the work. The cost of replacement breakers and installation can vary depending on the type and number of breakers needed.

Conclusion: Federal Pacific Electric breakers are no longer recommended for use due to safety concerns. If you have FPE breakers in your home or business, it's recommended that you replace them with newer, safer breakers to ensure your electrical system is safe and reliable.