Federal college of wildlife management new bussa history

The Federal College of Wildlife Management, New Bussa is a federal college located in New Bussa, Niger State, Nigeria. Here is a brief history of the institution:

Establishment: The Federal College of Wildlife Management, New Bussa was established in 1979 as a Federal College of Forestry Mechanization. The college was initially located in Kaduna State, but it was later relocated to New Bussa in Niger State in 1984.

Name Change: In 1992, the college was renamed Federal College of Wildlife Management, New Bussa to reflect its expanded scope of activities, which now included wildlife management, conservation, and research.

Mission: The college's mission is to provide high-quality education, training, and research in wildlife management, conservation, and related fields, with a focus on sustainable development and environmental protection.

Programmes: The college offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in fields such as:

  1. Wildlife Management
  2. Forestry
  3. Fisheries
  4. Range Management
  5. Environmental Management
  6. Conservation Biology
  7. Wildlife Ecology
  8. Wildlife Tourism and Recreation

Research: The college is involved in various research activities, including:

  1. Wildlife population dynamics and ecology
  2. Habitat conservation and management
  3. Human-wildlife conflict mitigation
  4. Wildlife disease management
  5. Sustainable forest management
  6. Environmental impact assessment

Facilities: The college has a range of facilities, including:

  1. Lecture halls and classrooms
  2. Laboratories for biology, chemistry, and physics
  3. Library and information center
  4. Computer laboratory
  5. Workshop and fabrication unit
  6. Wildlife and conservation education center
  7. Research stations and field laboratories

Accreditation: The college is accredited by the National Universities Commission (NUC) and the Nigerian Institute of Forestry Research (NIFOR).

Alumni: The college has a strong alumni network, with many graduates going on to work in government agencies, NGOs, private companies, and research institutions.

Overall, the Federal College of Wildlife Management, New Bussa is a reputable institution that provides high-quality education and training in wildlife management and conservation, and is committed to promoting sustainable development and environmental protection in Nigeria and beyond.