Fed oko poly news

You're looking for news about Federal Polytechnic Oko (FEPOKO). Here are some recent updates:

Academic News

  1. Resumption Date: The polytechnic has announced its resumption date for the 2022/2023 academic session. Students are expected to resume on October 3, 2022.
  2. New Programmes: FEPOKO has introduced new programmes in the Faculty of Engineering, including Computer Engineering, Electrical/Electronics Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.
  3. HND Admission: The polytechnic has announced the admission of new students into its Higher National Diploma (HND) programmes for the 2022/2023 academic session.

Campus News

  1. Student Union Election: The Student Union Government (SUG) election has been scheduled to hold on October 12, 2022. Students are expected to participate in the election to elect their new leaders.
  2. Campus Development: The polytechnic has embarked on a series of infrastructure development projects, including the construction of new lecture halls, hostels, and a library.
  3. Sports Competition: FEPOKO has organized a sports competition for its students, featuring events such as football, basketball, and table tennis.

Other News

  1. Lecturer's Strike: The Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) has called off its strike, allowing lecturers to resume work.
  2. Alumni Association: The FEPOKO Alumni Association has been re-established to promote unity and cooperation among alumni.
  3. Community Service: The polytechnic has organized a community service programme, where students will participate in activities such as environmental cleaning and health outreach.

Please note that these updates are subject to change and may not be comprehensive. For the latest news and updates, I recommend checking the official website of Federal Polytechnic Oko or contacting the institution directly.