Features to consider when building a new home 2018

When building a new home, there are several features to consider to ensure that your dream home meets your needs and preferences. Here are some key features to consider in 2018:

  1. Energy Efficiency: Consider features that reduce energy consumption, such as:
    • Insulation: Proper insulation can reduce heating and cooling costs.
    • Windows: Energy-efficient windows with low-E coatings and double-pane glass.
    • Solar panels: Consider installing solar panels to generate electricity.
  2. Smart Home Technology: Incorporate smart home devices to control lighting, temperature, security, and entertainment systems remotely.
  3. Sustainable Building Materials: Choose eco-friendly materials, such as:
    • Recycled materials: Use recycled materials for construction and demolition waste reduction.
    • Low-VOC paints: Select paints with low volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for better indoor air quality.
    • Sustainable wood: Opt for sustainably sourced wood products.
  4. Resilience and Disaster Resistance: Consider features that enhance your home's resilience to natural disasters, such as:
    • Flood-resistant construction: Design your home to withstand flooding.
    • Wind-resistant construction: Use materials and designs that can withstand high winds.
    • Earthquake-resistant construction: Incorporate seismic-resistant design elements.
  5. Water Conservation: Install features that conserve water, such as:
    • Low-flow fixtures: Use low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets.
    • Rainwater harvesting: Collect and store rainwater for irrigation and other non-potable uses.
  6. Indoor Air Quality: Improve indoor air quality with features like:
    • Ventilation systems: Install a whole-house ventilation system to remove pollutants and moisture.
    • Air purification systems: Consider installing air purification systems to remove allergens and pollutants.
  7. Storage and Organization: Incorporate storage and organization features, such as:
    • Custom cabinetry: Design custom cabinetry to maximize storage space.
    • Shelving: Install shelving units to store books, decorative items, and other household items.
  8. Accessibility and Universal Design: Consider features that enhance accessibility and universal design, such as:
    • Wide doorways and hallways: Ensure that doorways and hallways are wide enough for wheelchairs and mobility devices.
    • Level thresholds: Install level thresholds to facilitate easy movement between rooms.
  9. Outdoor Living: Incorporate outdoor living features, such as:
    • Patios and decks: Design outdoor spaces for relaxation and entertainment.
    • Outdoor kitchens: Install outdoor kitchens with grills, countertops, and storage.
  10. Acoustics and Soundproofing: Consider features that improve acoustics and soundproofing, such as:
    • Soundproofing materials: Use soundproofing materials in walls, floors, and ceilings to reduce noise transmission.
    • Acoustic panels: Install acoustic panels to absorb sound and reduce echo.
  11. Fire Safety: Incorporate fire safety features, such as:
    • Smoke detectors: Install smoke detectors on every level of your home.
    • Fire extinguishers: Install fire extinguishers in strategic locations.
  12. Security: Consider features that enhance home security, such as:
    • Surveillance cameras: Install surveillance cameras to monitor your home.
    • Smart doorbells: Install smart doorbells with motion detection and video capabilities.
  13. Warranty and Maintenance: Consider the warranty and maintenance requirements for your new home, including:
    • Builder warranties: Review the builder's warranty and maintenance requirements.
    • Homeowners association (HOA) fees: Research HOA fees and what they cover.
  14. Resale Value: Consider the resale value of your new home, including:
    • Location: Choose a location with good schools, transportation, and amenities.
    • Design and layout: Design your home with a neutral color palette and functional layout to appeal to potential buyers.
    • Energy efficiency: Incorporate energy-efficient features to attract eco-conscious buyers.

By considering these features, you can create a new home that meets your needs, is sustainable, and has a high resale value.