Features of new world order

The New World Order (NWO) refers to the idea of a new global governance system that would replace the existing international order. The features of the NWO are still evolving, but some of the key aspects that have been proposed or discussed include:

  1. Global Governance: A new system of global governance that would replace the existing system of nation-states and international organizations. This could include a global parliament, a global executive, and a global judiciary.
  2. Global Economy: A new global economic system that would replace the existing system of national economies. This could include a global currency, a global central bank, and a global financial regulatory system.
  3. Global Security: A new system of global security that would replace the existing system of national defense and international security arrangements. This could include a global military force, a global intelligence agency, and a global law enforcement agency.
  4. Global Environment: A new system of global environmental governance that would replace the existing system of national environmental policies and international environmental agreements. This could include a global environmental agency, a global climate treaty, and a global biodiversity treaty.
  5. Global Health: A new system of global health governance that would replace the existing system of national health systems and international health organizations. This could include a global health agency, a global pandemic treaty, and a global health insurance system.
  6. Global Education: A new system of global education that would replace the existing system of national education systems and international education organizations. This could include a global education agency, a global curriculum, and a global education funding system.
  7. Global Culture: A new system of global culture that would replace the existing system of national cultures and international cultural organizations. This could include a global cultural agency, a global cultural festival, and a global cultural exchange program.
  8. Global Citizenship: A new system of global citizenship that would replace the existing system of national citizenship and international human rights agreements. This could include a global citizenship treaty, a global passport, and a global voting system.
  9. Global Justice: A new system of global justice that would replace the existing system of national justice systems and international criminal courts. This could include a global justice agency, a global court system, and a global prison system.
  10. Global Ethics: A new system of global ethics that would replace the existing system of national ethics and international ethical standards. This could include a global ethics agency, a global code of conduct, and a global moral framework.
  11. Global Technology: A new system of global technology that would replace the existing system of national technologies and international technology agreements. This could include a global technology agency, a global internet governance system, and a global artificial intelligence framework.
  12. Global Energy: A new system of global energy that would replace the existing system of national energy systems and international energy agreements. This could include a global energy agency, a global energy treaty, and a global renewable energy system.
  13. Global Food: A new system of global food that would replace the existing system of national food systems and international food agreements. This could include a global food agency, a global food treaty, and a global sustainable agriculture system.
  14. Global Water: A new system of global water that would replace the existing system of national water systems and international water agreements. This could include a global water agency, a global water treaty, and a global water conservation system.
  15. Global Infrastructure: A new system of global infrastructure that would replace the existing system of national infrastructure systems and international infrastructure agreements. This could include a global infrastructure agency, a global infrastructure treaty, and a global transportation system.

It's important to note that the NWO is still a concept and not a reality, and many of these features are still being debated and discussed by scholars, policymakers, and international organizations.