Features of a news article

A news article typically includes the following features:

  1. Headline: A concise and attention-grabbing title that summarizes the main point of the article.
  2. Lead (or Lede): The opening paragraph of the article that provides a brief summary of the story and grabs the reader's attention.
  3. Dateline: The location and date of the story, usually included at the top of the article.
  4. Byline: The name of the journalist or author who wrote the article.
  5. Summary (or Abstract): A brief summary of the article, often included at the top or bottom of the page.
  6. Body: The main content of the article, which provides more detailed information about the story.
  7. Quotes: Direct quotes from people involved in the story, which add depth and context to the article.
  8. Statistics (or Facts): Relevant statistics, numbers, or facts that support the story and provide additional context.
  9. Photos (or Images): Visual elements that help illustrate the story and make it more engaging.
  10. Graphics (or Infographics): Visual representations of data or information that help to explain complex concepts.
  11. Sidebars (or Boxes): Additional information or context that is related to the main story, but not essential to understanding it.
  12. Call to Action: A prompt or invitation to readers to take action, such as contacting a government agency or donating to a charity.
  13. Contact Information: The contact details of the journalist or news organization, including phone numbers, email addresses, and social media handles.
  14. Related Links (or Related Stories): Links to other articles or resources that are related to the main story.
  15. Taglines (or Subheadings): Short phrases or sentences that break up the text and provide additional context or emphasis.
  16. Pull Quotes: Longer quotes that are set apart from the rest of the text and provide additional insight or context.
  17. Captions: Brief descriptions of photos or graphics that provide additional context or information.
  18. References (or Sources): A list of sources or references used in the article, which can include interviews, documents, or other materials.
  19. Corrections: A statement or section that corrects any errors or inaccuracies in the article.
  20. Feedback: A mechanism for readers to provide feedback or comments on the article, such as a comments section or email address.

These features may vary depending on the type of news article, the publication, and the audience.