Feature transfer error new feature1 ic7_language_common

A feature transfer error!

It looks like you're trying to transfer a feature from one language to another, specifically from ic7_language_common to new_feature1. This error typically occurs when there's a mismatch between the feature's configuration or dependencies in the source language and the target language.

Here are some common reasons that might cause this error:

  1. Incompatible feature configuration: The feature's configuration in ic7_language_common might not be compatible with the new language new_feature1. Check if the feature's settings, such as the language code, are correct and consistent across both languages.
  2. Missing or incorrect dependencies: The feature might rely on specific dependencies or plugins that are not available in the target language. Ensure that all necessary dependencies are installed and configured correctly in new_feature1.
  3. Language-specific settings: Some features might have language-specific settings that need to be updated or recreated in the target language. Check if there are any language-specific settings that need to be transferred or recreated in new_feature1.

To resolve this error, you can try the following:

  1. Check the feature's configuration: Verify that the feature's configuration is correct and consistent across both languages.
  2. Update dependencies: Ensure that all necessary dependencies are installed and configured correctly in new_feature1.
  3. Recreate language-specific settings: If the feature has language-specific settings, recreate them in new_feature1 to ensure compatibility.
  4. Consult the documentation: Refer to the documentation for the feature and the target language to ensure you're following the correct procedures for transferring features.

If you're still stuck, feel free to provide more details about the error message, the feature, and the languages involved, and I'll do my best to help you troubleshoot the issue!