Feature story news

Here are some feature story news ideas:

Human Interest

  1. "The Unlikely Hero: Meet the Local Resident Who Saved a Family from a House Fire"
  2. "From Homeless to Harvard: The Inspiring Story of a Local Student's Journey"
  3. "The Power of Kindness: How a Small Act of Generosity Changed a Community"


  1. "The Dark Side of the City: Exposing the Truth Behind the Recent Spike in Crime"
  2. "The Hidden Dangers of [Industry/Practice]: A Deep Dive into the Unregulated World of [Topic]"
  3. "The Cover-Up: Uncovering the Truth Behind the Recent Scandal in [Government/Organization]"


  1. "The Rise of [Trend]: How [City] Became the Hub for [Industry/Activity]"
  2. "The Best of [City]: A Guide to the Top [Restaurants/Attractions] in [Neighborhood]"
  3. "The Art of [Skill]: Meet the Local Artists and Makers Who Are Redefining [Industry]"


  1. "The Underdog Story: How [Local Team] Defied the Odds to Make it to the [Championship] Game"
  2. "The Rise of [Newcomer]: Meet the Young Athlete Who's Taking the [League] by Storm"
  3. "The Legacy of [Legendary Athlete]: How [City] Honors the Memory of a Sports Icon"


  1. "The Startup Success Story: How [Local Entrepreneur] Turned Their Passion into a Multi-Million Dollar Business"
  2. "The Future of [Industry]: How [City] is Leading the Charge in [New Technology/Innovation]"
  3. "The Impact of [Economic Shift]: How [City]'s Economy is Adapting to the Changing [Market]"


  1. "The Fight for [Environmental Cause]: How [City] is Leading the Charge in [Conservation Effort]"
  2. "The Hidden Dangers of [Environmental Issue]: A Look at the Unseen Consequences of [Topic]"
  3. "The Power of [Sustainable Practice]: How [City] is Reducing its Carbon Footprint"

Arts and Culture

  1. "The Rise of [New Art Form]: How [City] is Embracing [Trend] and Making it Its Own"
  2. "The Legacy of [Local Artist]: How [City] Honors the Memory of a Cultural Icon"
  3. "The Best of [Festival/Event]: A Guide to the Top [Attractions/Performances] in [City]"

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Remember to choose topics that are relevant to your audience and that you're passionate about covering. Good luck with your feature story!