Feature stories in new yorker

The New Yorker is known for its in-depth, well-researched, and engaging feature stories, which often explore a wide range of topics, from politics and culture to science and technology. Here are some examples of notable feature stories in The New Yorker:

  1. "The Liar" by David Remnick (2017): This profile of Donald Trump explores the President's life, personality, and presidency, and is considered one of the most comprehensive and insightful pieces on Trump to date.
  2. "The Unraveling of the American Dream" by George Packer (2017): This article examines the decline of the American middle class and the rise of inequality, and is a powerful critique of the country's economic and social policies.
  3. "The Case Against the College Admissions Process" by Jeffrey Toobin (2019): This piece argues that the current college admissions process is flawed and unfair, and that it perpetuates inequality and privilege.
  4. "The New Abolitionists" by Rachel Aviv (2019): This article profiles a group of activists who are working to abolish the cash bail system and end mass incarceration in the United States.
  5. "The Climate of Fear" by Elizabeth Kolbert (2019): This piece explores the impact of climate change on the world, and argues that the consequences of inaction will be severe and far-reaching.
  6. "The End of the World as We Know It" by Malcolm Gladwell (2019): This article examines the rise of artificial intelligence and its potential impact on society, and argues that humans may need to adapt to a new way of living.
  7. "The Last Refuge" by Rachel Aviv (2018): This piece profiles a group of asylum seekers who are seeking refuge in the United States, and explores the challenges and dangers they face.
  8. "The Rise of the New Right" by Jane Mayer (2017): This article examines the rise of the alt-right movement and its impact on American politics and society.
  9. "The End of the Affair" by Rachel Aviv (2018): This piece profiles a group of people who are struggling to come to terms with the end of their relationships, and explores the complexities of love and loss.
  10. "The Last Days of the Dinosaurs" by Elizabeth Kolbert (2014): This article explores the extinction of the dinosaurs and the rise of mammals, and argues that the current mass extinction event is a result of human activity.

These are just a few examples of the many excellent feature stories that have been published in The New Yorker over the years. The magazine is known for its in-depth reporting and thoughtful analysis, and its feature stories often provide a unique perspective on the world and its many complexities.