Feasibility study on marketing a new product pdf

Here is a sample feasibility study on marketing a new product:

Title: Feasibility Study on Marketing a New Product: [Product Name]

Executive Summary:

This feasibility study assesses the viability of marketing a new product, [Product Name], in the [industry/sector] market. The study evaluates the product's potential for success, identifies potential challenges, and outlines a marketing strategy to achieve success.

Market Analysis:

Product Analysis:

Marketing Strategy:

Challenges and Risks:


Based on the findings of this feasibility study, it is recommended that [Product Name] be launched in the [industry/sector] market. The marketing strategy outlined in this study is designed to effectively reach and engage the target audience, drive sales, and achieve the marketing objectives. However, it is essential to monitor the market and adjust the marketing strategy as needed to mitigate the challenges and risks identified in this study.



Note: This is a sample feasibility study, and you should adjust it to fit your specific product and market.