Feasibility study for new business

A feasibility study is a detailed analysis of the potential for a new business to succeed. It involves evaluating various factors that can impact the business's success, such as market demand, competition, financial resources, and operational requirements. Here are some key components of a feasibility study for a new business:

I. Executive Summary

II. Business Description

III. Market Analysis

IV. Competitive Analysis

V. Financial Analysis

VI. Operational Analysis

VII. Management and Organization

VIII. Marketing and Sales

IX. Risk Analysis

X. Conclusion

XI. Appendices

Here is a sample feasibility study for a new business:

Executive Summary

Our company, GreenCycle, is a startup that aims to provide a sustainable and eco-friendly solution for households and businesses to recycle their organic waste. Our business model involves collecting organic waste from customers and converting it into compost and biofuels. We believe that our unique approach to waste management can help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and promote a more sustainable environment.

Business Description

GreenCycle will operate as a limited liability company (LLC) and will be headquartered in [City]. Our mission is to provide a convenient and cost-effective solution for households and businesses to recycle their organic waste. Our vision is to become a leading provider of sustainable waste management solutions in [Region].

Market Analysis

The demand for sustainable waste management solutions is increasing, driven by growing concerns about climate change and environmental sustainability. Our target market includes households and businesses in [City] and surrounding areas. We estimate that there are approximately 100,000 households and 5,000 businesses in our target market that generate organic waste.

Competitive Analysis

The waste management industry is highly competitive, with several established players offering traditional waste collection and disposal services. However, we believe that our unique approach to waste management, which involves converting organic waste into compost and biofuels, sets us apart from our competitors. Our USP is our ability to provide a sustainable and eco-friendly solution for households and businesses to recycle their organic waste.

Financial Analysis

Our startup costs are estimated to be $500,000, which will be used to purchase equipment, hire personnel, and market our services. Our ongoing expenses will include salaries, equipment maintenance, and marketing expenses. We estimate that our revenue will be $1 million in the first year, growing to $2 million by the end of year three.

Operational Analysis

Our operational requirements include purchasing equipment, hiring personnel, and establishing a network of collection routes. We will need to obtain necessary permits and licenses to operate in [City]. Our operational challenges include managing our collection routes, ensuring that our equipment is properly maintained, and complying with regulatory requirements.

Management and Organization

Our management team includes a CEO, a COO, and a marketing manager. Our CEO has 10 years of experience in the waste management industry, while our COO has 5 years of experience in operations management. Our marketing manager has 3 years of experience in marketing and has a degree in environmental science.

Marketing and Sales

Our marketing strategy will involve social media marketing, email marketing, and targeted advertising. We will also participate in local events and trade shows to promote our services. Our sales strategy will involve building relationships with households and businesses in our target market and offering customized solutions to meet their waste management needs.

Risk Analysis

Our potential risks include market risks, operational risks, and financial risks. Market risks include changes in government regulations and consumer preferences. Operational risks include equipment failures and personnel turnover. Financial risks include cash flow management and funding requirements.


We believe that GreenCycle has the potential to become a leading provider of sustainable waste management solutions in [Region]. Our unique approach to waste management, combined with our experienced management team and comprehensive marketing and sales strategy, make us well-positioned to succeed in this growing market. We recommend that we move forward with our business plan and begin operations in [City] in the next 6-12 months.


Note: This is just a sample feasibility study and should not be used as a template for your own business. It is important to conduct thorough research and analysis to ensure that your business idea is viable and has a strong potential for success.