Fcta bans early morning vehicle inspection restricts truck movements

It seems like you're referring to a recent development in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) of Nigeria. Here's a summary of the news:

FCTA Bans Early Morning Vehicle Inspection, Restricts Truck Movements

The Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) has introduced new measures to reduce traffic congestion and improve road safety in Abuja. As part of these measures, the FCTA has banned early morning vehicle inspection, effective immediately.

Reasons for the Ban

The ban is aimed at reducing the number of vehicles on the road during peak hours, which often leads to congestion and accidents. The FCTA believes that this move will help to ease traffic flow and reduce the risk of accidents.

Restrictions on Truck Movements

In addition to the ban on early morning vehicle inspection, the FCTA has also restricted the movement of trucks and heavy-duty vehicles during peak hours. This is to prevent these vehicles from contributing to traffic congestion and accidents.

Impact on Residents and Commuters

The new measures are expected to have a significant impact on residents and commuters in Abuja. While the ban on early morning vehicle inspection may cause some inconvenience, it is hoped that it will ultimately lead to a safer and more efficient transportation system.


The FCTA's decision to ban early morning vehicle inspection and restrict truck movements is a step towards improving road safety and reducing traffic congestion in Abuja. While it may cause some short-term disruptions, the long-term benefits are expected to be significant.