Fbi russia investigation looking at kushner role #

The FBI's Russia investigation, also known as Crossfire Hurricane, was a counterintelligence investigation launched in July 2016 to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election. The investigation was led by the FBI's Counterintelligence Division and was initially focused on four areas:

  1. Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and other political organizations.
  2. Russian efforts to influence the election through social media and other means.
  3. Contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign officials.
  4. Whether there was any coordination or collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

As part of the investigation, the FBI looked at the role of Jared Kushner, a senior advisor to President Trump and his son-in-law, in several areas:

  1. Meetings with Russian officials: Kushner had several meetings with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, including a meeting with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the US, and Sergey Gorkov, the head of the Vnesheconombank, a Russian state-owned bank. The FBI investigated whether these meetings were part of a larger effort to coordinate with Russia.
  2. Kushner's business dealings: The FBI also looked at Kushner's business dealings, including his role as the CEO of Cadre, a real estate technology company. The FBI investigated whether Kushner had any financial ties to Russia or had engaged in any illegal activities related to his business dealings.
  3. Kushner's security clearance: The FBI also investigated Kushner's security clearance, which was granted in March 2017. The FBI looked at whether Kushner had disclosed all of his contacts with foreign officials, including his meetings with Russian officials, and whether he had any conflicts of interest that could have impacted his ability to serve as a senior advisor to the President.

In 2017, the FBI interviewed Kushner as part of the investigation, and he provided testimony to the FBI and the Senate Intelligence Committee. In 2019, the FBI released a statement saying that Kushner had been interviewed as part of the investigation, but that he had not been charged with any crimes.

It's worth noting that the FBI's investigation into Kushner's role in the Russia investigation was part of a larger investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, and it was not a separate investigation into Kushner's personal activities.