Fbi new york field office

The FBI New York Field Office is one of the 56 field offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the United States. It is responsible for investigating and enforcing federal laws in the state of New York, as well as parts of New Jersey and Connecticut.

Here are some key facts about the FBI New York Field Office:

Location: The field office is located in Lower Manhattan, New York City, at 26 Federal Plaza.

Jurisdiction: The field office covers the following counties in New York:

Special Agents: The field office has approximately 1,200 special agents, who are responsible for investigating a wide range of crimes, including:

Support Staff: The field office also employs approximately 400 support staff, including administrative professionals, intelligence analysts, and other specialists who provide critical support to the special agents.

Notable Cases: The FBI New York Field Office has been involved in many high-profile cases over the years, including:

Community Outreach: The FBI New York Field Office is committed to building relationships with the communities it serves. The office has a robust community outreach program, which includes:

Overall, the FBI New York Field Office plays a critical role in keeping the state of New York and its surrounding areas safe from crime and terrorism.