Fayoses trial i lied to efcc to help a friend says lebanese witness

A new development in the ongoing trial of Fayose, the former Governor of Ekiti State, Nigeria!

According to reports, a Lebanese witness, Abiodun Agbele, has testified before the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) that he lied to the commission to help a friend, who is believed to be a close associate of Fayose.

Agbele, who was a key witness in the trial, had earlier testified that he received N200 million from Fayose's aide, Abiodun Agbele, to purchase a property in Lagos. However, in a dramatic turn of events, Agbele has now recanted his earlier testimony, claiming that he lied to help his friend, who is believed to be a close associate of Fayose.

The EFCC has been investigating Fayose for alleged corruption and money laundering, and Agbele's recantation has raised questions about the credibility of his earlier testimony. The commission has been accused of using coercive tactics to extract false confessions from witnesses, and Agbele's sudden change of heart has sparked concerns about the integrity of the trial.

Fayose's lawyers have already pounced on Agbele's recantation, calling it a "clear case of perjury" and demanding that the EFCC withdraw the charges against their client. The EFCC, on the other hand, has maintained that Agbele's recantation is not a surprise, given the "pressure" he was under to testify against Fayose.

The trial is ongoing, and it remains to be seen how the court will handle Agbele's recantation. One thing is certain, however: this development has added a new layer of complexity to the already contentious trial.