Father of moji ola iya new newborn baby

Congratulations to the family!

In Yoruba culture, "Moji Ola" is a name that typically means "Joy of God" or "God's Joy". "Iya" is a term of respect for a mother or a woman, so "Iya Moji Ola" would translate to "Mother of Joy of God".

So, if we assume that "Iya Moji Ola" is the mother's name, and "Father of Moji Ola Iya new newborn baby" is the question, we can infer that the father's name is not explicitly mentioned. However, in Yoruba culture, it's common for the father's name to be mentioned separately.

If you could provide more context or clarify the question, I'd be happy to help you with the father's name or any other related information!