Fat back guy news interview

I'm assuming you're referring to a news interview with a person who is overweight or obese, often referred to as a "fat back guy." Here's a possible scenario:

Interviewer: Good evening, I'm joined tonight by John, a 35-year-old father of two who has been struggling with his weight for years. John, thanks for sharing your story with us.

John: Thanks for having me.

Interviewer: John, you've been open about your struggles with obesity. Can you tell us a little bit about your journey and how you got to where you are today?

John: Yeah, sure. I've always been a bit of a foodie, and I love trying new restaurants and cooking at home. But over the years, I just started eating more and more, and exercising less and less. Before I knew it, I was tipping the scales at over 300 pounds.

Interviewer: That must have been tough. How did you feel about your weight?

John: Honestly, I was ashamed. I felt like I was a failure as a husband, a father, and as a person. I was tired all the time, and I couldn't keep up with my kids like I used to. I felt like I was losing myself in all that extra weight.

Interviewer: That's really tough. What made you decide to make a change?

John: One day, my doctor told me that I was at risk for serious health problems if I didn't lose weight. That was a wake-up call. I realized that I wasn't just doing it for myself, but for my family too. I wanted to be around for my kids to see them grow up.

Interviewer: That's amazing. What kind of changes did you make to your lifestyle?

John: I started by cutting back on processed foods and sugary drinks. I started cooking at home more often and trying new recipes. I also started exercising regularly, starting with short walks and gradually increasing the intensity and duration.

Interviewer: That's great to hear. How has your journey been so far?

John: It's been tough, but it's been worth it. I've lost over 100 pounds so far, and I'm feeling like a new person. I have more energy, I can keep up with my kids again, and I feel confident in my own skin.

Interviewer: That's incredible. What advice would you give to others who are struggling with their weight?

John: I would say don't be afraid to take that first step. It's scary to start a new diet or exercise routine, but it's worth it. Find a support system, whether it's a friend, family member, or online community. And don't give up. It's a journey, not a destination.

Interviewer: John, thank you for sharing your story with us tonight. You're an inspiration to many, and we're glad to have you on the show.

John: Thanks again for having me.