Fast company new york

Fast Company is a leading business magazine that focuses on technology, business, and design. Here are some key facts about Fast Company's New York office:

Location: Fast Company's New York office is located in the heart of Manhattan, at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281.

History: Fast Company was founded in 1995 by Bill Taylor and Alan Webber, and it has since become one of the most influential business publications in the world. The New York office was established in the early 2000s to serve as the magazine's East Coast hub.

Staff: The New York office is home to a team of experienced journalists, editors, and designers who work on various aspects of the magazine, including feature stories, news, and online content. The team is led by Editor-in-Chief Stephanie Mehta, who is based in New York.

Content: Fast Company's New York office produces a wide range of content, including:

Awards and recognition: Fast Company has won numerous awards for its journalism and design, including several National Magazine Awards and a Pulitzer Prize.

Events: The New York office hosts various events throughout the year, including conferences, seminars, and networking receptions. These events bring together thought leaders and innovators from various industries to discuss the latest trends and ideas.

Partnerships: Fast Company has partnerships with various organizations and companies in New York, including startups, venture capital firms, and design and technology companies.

Contact: If you're interested in contacting the Fast Company New York office, you can reach out to them at:

I hope this information is helpful!