Fashion news in africa

Here are some recent fashion news in Africa:

1. African Fashion Week Nigeria (AFWN) 2022: The 7th edition of AFWN took place in Lagos, Nigeria, featuring over 100 designers showcasing their latest collections. The event aimed to promote African fashion and provide a platform for designers to showcase their talents.

2. Ghanaian Designer, Christie Brown, Wins International Award: Christie Brown, a Ghanaian fashion designer, won the "Best African Designer" award at the 2022 Africa Fashion Awards in Accra, Ghana. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to African fashion.

3. South African Fashion Council (SAFCO) Launches New Initiative: SAFCO launched a new initiative to promote and support emerging fashion designers in South Africa. The program aims to provide mentorship, training, and funding to help designers grow their businesses.

4. Kenyan Designer, Muthoni Gitau, Featured in Vogue Italia: Muthoni Gitau, a Kenyan fashion designer, was featured in Vogue Italia's September 2022 issue. The feature highlighted Gitau's unique designs and her contribution to African fashion.

5. Ethiopian Fashion Week (EFW) 2022: EFW took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, showcasing the latest collections from Ethiopian designers. The event aimed to promote Ethiopian fashion and provide a platform for designers to showcase their talents.

6. Nigerian Designer, Maki Oh, Collaborates with Global Brands: Maki Oh, a Nigerian fashion designer, collaborated with global brands such as Nike and Levi's on new collections. The collaborations aim to promote African fashion globally and provide opportunities for African designers to work with international brands.

7. African Fashion Awards 2022: The 2022 African Fashion Awards took place in Accra, Ghana, recognizing outstanding contributions to African fashion. The awards honored designers, models, and industry professionals who have made significant impacts in the African fashion industry.

8. South African Fashion Brand, MaXhosa by Laduma, Expands Globally: MaXhosa by Laduma, a South African fashion brand, expanded its global presence by opening stores in the United States and the United Kingdom. The brand is known for its unique knitwear designs and has gained popularity globally.

9. Kenyan Designer, Wambui Mwangi, Wins International Competition: Wambui Mwangi, a Kenyan fashion designer, won the "Best Emerging Designer" award at the 2022 International Fashion Competition in Paris, France. The award recognizes emerging designers who have made significant contributions to the fashion industry.

10. African Fashion Industry Sees Growth: The African fashion industry has seen significant growth in recent years, driven by the increasing popularity of African fashion globally. The growth has led to increased investment in the industry, with many international brands partnering with African designers and brands.

These are just a few examples of the latest fashion news in Africa. The African fashion industry is growing rapidly, and there are many exciting developments and trends emerging from the continent.