Fashion business in new zealand

The fashion industry in New Zealand is a significant contributor to the country's economy, with a growing demand for high-quality, unique, and sustainable fashion products. Here are some key facts and trends about the fashion business in New Zealand:

Market Size: The New Zealand fashion industry is estimated to be worth around NZD 4.5 billion (approximately USD 3.1 billion) annually.

Key Players: Some of the well-known fashion brands in New Zealand include:

  1. World-renowned brands like Icebreaker, Kathmandu, and Kathmandu's outdoor apparel brand, Oboz.
  2. Local fashion labels like Zambesi, World, and Twenty-Seven Names.
  3. Emerging brands like Stolen Girlfriends Club, Ruby, and Huffer.


  1. Sustainability: New Zealand fashion brands are increasingly focusing on sustainability, with many adopting eco-friendly practices, such as using recycled materials, reducing waste, and promoting slow fashion.
  2. Indigenous Inspiration: There is a growing interest in incorporating Maori culture and design elements into fashion, which is reflected in the use of traditional patterns, colors, and motifs.
  3. Wellness and Self-Care: The wellness and self-care movement is influencing fashion, with a focus on comfortable, functional, and healthy clothing.
  4. Digital Transformation: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift to online shopping, and New Zealand fashion brands are adapting to this new reality by investing in e-commerce platforms and social media marketing.


  1. Global Competition: New Zealand fashion brands face intense competition from international brands, which can make it challenging to stand out in the market.
  2. Limited Resources: Many New Zealand fashion brands operate on limited budgets, which can restrict their ability to invest in marketing, research, and development.
  3. Seasonal Fluctuations: The fashion industry is known for its seasonal fluctuations, which can make it challenging for New Zealand brands to maintain a consistent cash flow.


  1. Growing Demand for Sustainable Fashion: The increasing awareness of environmental and social issues is driving demand for sustainable fashion products, which presents an opportunity for New Zealand brands to capitalize on this trend.
  2. Government Support: The New Zealand government has launched initiatives to support the fashion industry, such as the Fashion Kōrero program, which provides funding and resources for fashion businesses.
  3. Tourism and Export Opportunities: New Zealand's unique culture, natural beauty, and outdoor lifestyle offer opportunities for fashion brands to tap into the tourism and export markets.

Education and Training:

  1. Fashion Schools: New Zealand has several fashion schools, including the Auckland University of Technology's School of Fashion, the Wellington Institute of Technology's School of Fashion, and the Otago Polytechnic's School of Fashion.
  2. Industry Training: Many fashion brands in New Zealand offer in-house training and development programs for their employees, which helps to upskill and reskill the workforce.

Overall, the fashion industry in New Zealand is a dynamic and evolving sector, with opportunities for growth and innovation. By embracing sustainability, indigenous inspiration, and digital transformation, New Zealand fashion brands can remain competitive and successful in the global market.