Fars news agence

Fars News Agency (FNA) is an Iranian news agency that was established in 1999. It is considered to be a semi-official news agency, as it is closely tied to the Iranian government and often reflects the views of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

FNA provides news coverage on a wide range of topics, including politics, economy, culture, and sports. It has a strong focus on international news, particularly in the Middle East and Asia, and often provides analysis and commentary on global events from an Iranian perspective.

FNA is known for its critical coverage of the United States and its allies, and has been accused of spreading anti-Western propaganda. The agency has also been criticized for its biased reporting on human rights issues in Iran and its lack of transparency in its reporting.

Despite these criticisms, FNA is widely read and respected in Iran, and is considered to be one of the country's most influential news agencies. It has a large online presence, with millions of visitors each month, and is available in several languages, including English, Arabic, and Persian.

Some of the key features of FNA include:

Some of the key criticisms of FNA include:

Overall, FNA is a significant player in the Iranian media landscape, and its reporting and analysis are closely followed by many Iranians and international observers. However, its biased reporting and lack of transparency have raised concerns about its credibility and reliability.