Fars news ag

Fars News Agency (FNA) is a semi-official Iranian news agency that was established in 1999. It is known for its pro-government and nationalist stance, and is often critical of Western powers and their policies towards Iran.

FNA is headquartered in Tehran and has correspondents and bureaus in many countries around the world, including the United States, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. The agency is known for its extensive coverage of international news, particularly in the areas of politics, economics, and military affairs.

FNA is also known for its commentary and analysis pieces, which often reflect the views of the Iranian government and its leaders. The agency has been criticized by some for its biased reporting and its tendency to promote conspiracy theories and anti-Western sentiment.

Some of the main topics that FNA covers include:

FNA is available in several languages, including Persian, English, Arabic, and French. It is widely read and respected in Iran and is considered one of the country's most influential news agencies.