Farooq kperogi news

Farooq Kperogi is a Nigerian academic, journalist, and public intellectual. He is a professor of Mass Communication at Kennesaw State University in the United States. Here are some recent news and updates about Farooq Kperogi:

  1. Article on Buhari's Language: In a recent article published in The Cable, Kperogi analyzed President Muhammadu Buhari's language use and argued that it is a reflection of his "colonial mentality" and "linguistic imperialism".
  2. Critique of Nigerian Media: Kperogi has been critical of the Nigerian media, arguing that it is often biased and lacks professionalism. He has written several articles on this topic, including one titled "The Nigerian media's complicity in the Buhari regime's authoritarianism".
  3. Book on Nigerian Language: Kperogi has written a book titled "Glocal English: The Culture and Education of Nigerian English" which explores the cultural and educational implications of Nigerian English.
  4. Lectures and Public Talks: Kperogi has given several lectures and public talks on topics such as language, culture, and politics in Nigeria. He has spoken at universities and conferences in Nigeria and abroad.
  5. Social Media Presence: Kperogi is active on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, where he shares his thoughts and opinions on current events and issues in Nigeria and beyond.
  6. Interviews and Podcasts: Kperogi has been interviewed by several media outlets, including BBC Hausa, Voice of America, and Nigerian newspapers. He has also appeared on podcasts such as "The Nigerian Podcast" and "The Africa Podcast".
  7. Awards and Recognition: Kperogi has received several awards and recognition for his work, including the "Best Academic Writer" award at the 2019 Nigerian Writers' Awards.

These are just a few examples of the news and updates about Farooq Kperogi. He is a prominent figure in Nigerian academia and journalism, and his work and opinions are widely followed and respected.