Farming jobs for international farmers in new brunswick

New Brunswick is a great place for international farmers to find work! Here are some farming jobs and opportunities in New Brunswick that you may be interested in:

  1. Farm Labourers: Many farms in New Brunswick hire international farm labourers to help with planting, harvesting, and other farm tasks. You can search for these jobs on websites like:
    • Job Bank (Government of Canada)
    • Farm Labour Jobs (Facebook group)
  2. Greenhouse Farming: New Brunswick has a thriving greenhouse industry, and many farms hire international workers to help with greenhouse operations. Some examples include:
    • Greenhouse Farming Jobs (Facebook group)
    • New Brunswick Greenhouse Association
  3. Berry Farming: New Brunswick is famous for its blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. Many berry farms hire international workers to help with harvesting and packing. You can search for these jobs on:
    • Berry Farm Jobs (Facebook group)
    • New Brunswick Berry Growers Association
  4. Dairy Farming: New Brunswick has a strong dairy industry, and many dairy farms hire international workers to help with milking, feeding, and other farm tasks. You can search for these jobs on:
    • Dairy Farm Jobs (Facebook group)
    • New Brunswick Dairy Farmers Association
  5. Farm Management: If you have experience in farm management, you may be interested in working as a farm manager or supervisor for a New Brunswick farm. You can search for these jobs on:
    • Farm Management Jobs (
    • New Brunswick Farm Management Association
  6. Agricultural Consulting: As an international farmer, you may have expertise in specific agricultural practices or technologies. You can offer your services as an agricultural consultant to New Brunswick farmers. You can search for these jobs on:
    • Agricultural Consulting Jobs (
    • New Brunswick Agricultural Consulting Association

To increase your chances of finding a farming job in New Brunswick, consider the following:

Remember to research the specific requirements and regulations for working in New Brunswick, and good luck in your job search!