Farmers herdsmen clashes only fg can end it says prof eyitope #

It seems like you're sharing a quote from Professor Eyitope, who is suggesting that only the Federal Government (FG) has the capacity to put an end to the recurring clashes between farmers and herdsmen in Nigeria.

The clashes between farmers and herdsmen have been a long-standing issue in Nigeria, with both sides accusing each other of violence and destruction of property. The conflicts have resulted in the loss of lives, displacement of communities, and significant economic losses.

Professor Eyitope's statement highlights the complexity of the issue, which requires a multifaceted approach to resolve. The FG has indeed been involved in efforts to address the crisis, including deploying security personnel to affected areas, establishing committees to mediate conflicts, and providing compensation to victims.

However, some critics argue that the FG's efforts have been inadequate, and that more needs to be done to address the root causes of the conflict, such as poverty, lack of access to education and healthcare, and climate change.

What are your thoughts on this issue? Do you think the FG has the capacity to end the clashes, or are there other stakeholders that need to be involved in the solution?