Fareed zakaria new york times

Fareed Zakaria is a well-known Indian-American journalist, author, and television host. He is not a regular columnist for The New York Times, but he has written op-eds and articles for the newspaper on various occasions. Here are a few examples:

  1. "The Rise of the Rest" (October 2014) - In this op-ed, Zakaria argued that the rise of emerging economies like China, India, and Brazil is not just a matter of economic growth, but also a shift in global power dynamics.
  2. "The World's Most Powerful People" (December 2014) - Zakaria wrote about the most powerful people in the world, including leaders like Barack Obama, Xi Jinping, and Angela Merkel, as well as influential figures like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.
  3. "The Future of the Middle East" (June 2015) - In this article, Zakaria discussed the challenges facing the Middle East, including the rise of ISIS, the Iran nuclear deal, and the ongoing conflicts in Syria and Yemen.
  4. "The Case for a Global Minimum Tax" (April 2016) - Zakaria argued that a global minimum tax could help address issues like tax evasion and inequality, and promote economic cooperation among nations.
  5. "The World's Most Important Relationship" (June 2017) - In this op-ed, Zakaria wrote about the importance of the relationship between the United States and China, and the need for both countries to work together to address global challenges.

These are just a few examples of Fareed Zakaria's writings for The New York Times. He is also a regular contributor to CNN, where he hosts the popular news program "Fareed Zakaria GPS."