Far cry new dawn twins

The twins in Far Cry: New Dawn!

In Far Cry: New Dawn, the twins are two main characters, Mickey and Sesha, who are the leaders of the Twins, a group of survivors in a post-apocalyptic Hope County, Montana. They are the daughters of Joseph Seed, the leader of the cult known as the Project at Eden's Gate, which was the main antagonist in Far Cry 5.

Mickey and Sesha are identical twins, and they are both skilled fighters and leaders. They are determined to rebuild their community and protect their people from the threats that lurk in the post-apocalyptic world. They are also fiercely loyal to each other and will stop at nothing to defend their sister and their people.

Throughout the game, you'll encounter the Twins in various missions and encounters, and you'll have to make choices that will affect their relationships with you and the fate of Hope County.