Faqs for new raters lionbridge

Here are some FAQs for new raters at Lionbridge:

General Questions

  1. What is Lionbridge and what do you do? Lionbridge is a global leader in the translation and localization industry, providing language services to help companies reach global markets. As a rater, you will be part of our quality evaluation team, ensuring the accuracy and quality of translations, content, and other language-related materials.
  2. How do I get started as a rater at Lionbridge? To get started, you'll need to create an account on our website, complete a registration form, and pass a qualification test to demonstrate your language skills and expertise.
  3. What are the requirements to become a rater at Lionbridge? To become a rater, you'll need to have a strong command of the language you're applying to rate, as well as a good understanding of grammar, syntax, and cultural nuances. You'll also need a reliable computer, internet connection, and a quiet workspace.

Rater Responsibilities

  1. What are my responsibilities as a rater at Lionbridge? As a rater, your primary responsibility is to evaluate the quality of translations, content, and other language-related materials. This includes checking for accuracy, grammar, syntax, and cultural relevance.
  2. How do I rate the content I receive? You'll receive instructions on how to rate the content, which may include evaluating the accuracy of translations, identifying errors, and providing feedback to the translators.
  3. How much time do I need to commit to rating? The amount of time you need to commit will vary depending on the project and your availability. You can choose to rate as much or as little as you like, and you can adjust your schedule as needed.

Technical Requirements

  1. What technical requirements do I need to meet to rate at Lionbridge? You'll need a reliable computer with a stable internet connection, a quiet workspace, and a headset or earbuds for audio testing. You'll also need to use a specific browser and software to access our platform.
  2. Do I need to have any special software or equipment to rate? No, you won't need any special software or equipment to rate. Our platform is designed to be user-friendly and accessible on most devices.

Payment and Compensation

  1. How much do raters get paid? Rater compensation varies depending on the project, your experience, and the complexity of the content. You'll receive a payment for each project you complete, and you can track your earnings through our platform.
  2. How do I get paid? You'll receive payment through our platform, which offers various payment options, including PayPal, bank transfer, and gift cards.

Support and Resources

  1. How do I get support as a rater at Lionbridge? You can contact our support team through our platform or by email. We also offer a comprehensive guide and FAQs to help you get started and answer any questions you may have.
  2. Are there any resources available to help me improve my rating skills? Yes, we offer training and resources to help you improve your rating skills, including webinars, tutorials, and feedback from our quality assurance team.


  1. Can I rate from anywhere in the world? Yes, you can rate from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a reliable internet connection and a quiet workspace.
  2. Can I rate on a part-time or full-time basis? Yes, you can rate on a part-time or full-time basis, depending on your availability and schedule.
  3. Is there a minimum or maximum amount of time I need to commit to rating? No, there is no minimum or maximum amount of time you need to commit to rating. You can rate as much or as little as you like, and you can adjust your schedule as needed.

I hope these FAQs help you get started as a rater at Lionbridge!