Famous new york jews

The Big Apple has been home to many famous Jewish individuals who have made significant contributions to various fields. Here are a few examples:

  1. Woody Allen (born Allan Stewart Konigsberg) - Filmmaker, writer, and actor known for his neurotic, Jewish characters in movies like "Annie Hall" and "Hannah and Her Sisters."
  2. Barbra Streisand - Singer, actress, and director who has won numerous awards, including two Oscars, and is known for her powerful voice and iconic songs like "What the World Needs Now Is Love" and "People."
  3. Jerry Seinfeld - Comedian, actor, and writer who created the hit TV show "Seinfeld," which is often credited with popularizing the concept of "nothing" as a comedic theme.
  4. Larry David - Comedian, writer, and actor who co-created "Seinfeld" with Jerry Seinfeld and is known for his cringe-worthy humor and iconic characters like George Costanza.
  5. Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Supreme Court Justice who has been a champion of women's rights and has written numerous landmark opinions, including the majority opinion in the 2015 case Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage.
  6. Neil Simon - Playwright and screenwriter who wrote classic plays like "The Odd Couple" and "Barefoot in the Park," and won numerous awards, including three Tony Awards and an Academy Award.
  7. Lenny Bruce - Comedian and social critic who was known for his biting satire and commentary on politics, religion, and social issues, and was a major influence on the development of stand-up comedy.
  8. Sid Caesar - Comedian and actor who was a major star of the 1950s and 1960s, known for his work on TV shows like "Your Show of Shows" and "Caesar's Hour," and was a mentor to many young comedians, including Woody Allen and Neil Simon.
  9. Mel Brooks - Comedian, actor, and director who is known for his work on TV shows like "The Sid Caesar Show" and "Get Smart," and has directed numerous films, including "The Producers," "Blazing Saddles," and "Young Frankenstein."
  10. Fran Dreschler - Actress and comedian who is best known for her role as Fran Fine on the TV show "The Nanny," and has also appeared in numerous films and TV shows, including "Saturday Night Live" and "Happily Divorced."
  11. Jerry Lewis - Comedian, actor, and director who was a major star of the 1950s and 1960s, known for his work on TV shows like "The Jerry Lewis Show" and "The Nutty Professor," and was a major influence on the development of comedy.
  12. Larry King - Talk show host and journalist who has interviewed numerous famous figures, including world leaders, celebrities, and athletes, and has won numerous awards for his work.
  13. Ruth Reichl - Food writer and journalist who has written for numerous publications, including The New York Times and Gourmet magazine, and has won numerous awards for her work.
  14. Philip Roth - Novelist and short story writer who is known for his provocative and often controversial works, including "Portnoy's Complaint" and "American Pastoral," and has won numerous awards, including the Pulitzer Prize.
  15. Cynthia Ozick - Novelist and short story writer who is known for her works on Jewish identity and culture, including "The Shawl" and "The Puttermesser Papers," and has won numerous awards, including the National Book Critics Circle Award.

These are just a few examples of the many famous Jewish individuals who have made significant contributions to the world of entertainment, politics, and culture in New York City.