Famous dex new album

Famous Dex is an American rapper and singer, and he has released several albums and mixtapes throughout his career. Here are some of his most notable releases:

  1. "Dexter" (2016) - This was his debut mixtape, which gained him a significant amount of attention and praise from critics and fans alike.
  2. "So Much Fun" (2018) - This was his debut studio album, which featured the hit single "Pick It Up" with A$AP Rocky.
  3. "Dexter the Pooh" (2019) - This was his second studio album, which featured the hit single "Japan" with Tyga.

As for his new album, Famous Dex has been teasing a new project on social media, but there is no official release date or title announced yet. However, he has been dropping new music and collaborating with other artists, so it's possible that a new album is on the way.

In the meantime, you can check out his previous releases on streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or Tidal.