Family planning tvc news 2019

Here are some notable family planning TVC (Television Commercial) news from 2019:

  1. "The Talk" by Population Services International (PSI): This TVC aimed to promote family planning and reproductive health among young people in Nigeria. The commercial featured a group of friends discussing their reproductive health and the importance of using condoms and other forms of contraception.
  2. "My Body, My Choice" by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA): This TVC was launched in India to promote the rights of women and girls to make informed choices about their bodies and reproductive health. The commercial featured a young woman making a choice about her own body and reproductive health.
  3. "The Future is Hers" by the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF): This TVC was launched in Africa to promote family planning and reproductive health among young people. The commercial featured a young woman talking about her aspirations and the importance of family planning in achieving her goals.
  4. "Love, Sex, and Family Planning" by the Family Planning Association of India (FPAI): This TVC aimed to promote family planning and reproductive health among young people in India. The commercial featured a young couple discussing their relationship and the importance of using condoms and other forms of contraception.
  5. "The Power of Choice" by the World Health Organization (WHO): This TVC was launched globally to promote the importance of family planning and reproductive health. The commercial featured a young woman talking about the power of choice and the importance of making informed decisions about her reproductive health.
  6. "Family Planning: It's a Choice" by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID): This TVC was launched in several countries to promote family planning and reproductive health. The commercial featured a young couple discussing their choices about family planning and the importance of using condoms and other forms of contraception.
  7. "Reproductive Health, Reproductive Rights" by the Center for Reproductive Rights: This TVC was launched in several countries to promote reproductive health and rights. The commercial featured a young woman talking about her reproductive rights and the importance of access to safe and legal abortion.

These are just a few examples of family planning TVCs from 2019. There were many more commercials launched by various organizations and governments around the world to promote family planning and reproductive health.