Falz release new music

Falz, the Nigerian rapper and songwriter, has indeed released new music!

On June 25, 2021, Falz dropped a new single titled "Body Language" featuring Nigerian singer and songwriter, Niniola. The song is a fusion of Afrobeats and R&B, with Falz's signature witty lyrics and Niniola's soulful vocals.

"Body Language" is a sensual and intimate track that explores the theme of physical attraction and the unspoken language of the body. The song's production is handled by Sess, a renowned Nigerian producer, who brings his signature blend of Afrobeats and R&B to the table.

Falz has been teasing the release of new music on his social media platforms, and fans have been eagerly anticipating his next move. With "Body Language", Falz continues to push the boundaries of Nigerian music, blending traditional styles with modern influences and showcasing his versatility as an artist.

You can stream "Body Language" on various music platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube Music.