Falz new videos

Falz is a talented Nigerian rapper and singer, and I'd be happy to help you with his latest videos!

As of my knowledge cutoff, Falz has released several new videos in recent times. Here are a few of them:

  1. "Bop Daddy" (feat. Teni) - Released in August 2020, this video is a fun, upbeat track that features Teni, a popular Nigerian singer.
  2. "Body Language" (feat. Patoranking) - Released in June 2020, this video is a smooth, reggae-infused track that features Patoranking, a renowned Nigerian reggae-dancehall artist.
  3. "Hypocrite" - Released in April 2020, this video is a thought-provoking track that tackles social issues and features Falz's signature witty lyrics.
  4. "Girls" - Released in February 2020, this video is a catchy, Afrobeats-inspired track that celebrates the beauty and strength of women.

Please note that these videos might not be his most recent releases, as new music and videos are constantly being dropped by artists. I recommend checking out Falz's official social media channels or music streaming platforms like YouTube, Apple Music, or Spotify for his latest content!

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