Falz new song foreign

You're referring to Falz's new song "Foreign"!

"Foreign" is a single by Nigerian rapper and singer Falz, released in 2022. The song is a fusion of Afrobeats, hip-hop, and R&B, with Falz delivering his signature witty lyrics and smooth vocals.

The song's lyrics explore themes of love, relationships, and the challenges that come with navigating different cultures and lifestyles. Falz's storytelling is as vivid as ever, painting a picture of a romantic encounter between two people from different backgrounds.

Musically, "Foreign" features a catchy, laid-back beat produced by Sess, with a memorable hook and a sing-along chorus. The song has been well-received by fans and critics alike, with many praising Falz's lyrical dexterity and the song's infectious energy.

If you haven't listened to "Foreign" yet, I highly recommend giving it a spin!