Falz new music video download 2016

Falz is a talented Nigerian rapper and singer, and I'd be happy to help you with that!

Falz released a new music video in 2016, and I'm assuming you're looking for the download link. Here are a few options:

  1. "Soft Work" ft. Mr. Chidoo: This is one of Falz's popular tracks from 2016, and the music video is available on YouTube. You can download the video from YouTube or other video sharing platforms.
  2. "Bahd Baddo Baddest": Another popular track from Falz in 2016, this music video is also available on YouTube. You can download it from YouTube or other video sharing platforms.

Please note that downloading music videos from YouTube or other platforms may be against their terms of service. It's always best to support the artists by streaming their music or purchasing their music from authorized platforms.

If you're looking for a specific Falz music video from 2016, please let me know the title, and I'll do my best to help you find it!