Falz new album free download

Falz, the Nigerian rapper and songwriter, has indeed released a new album, and I can provide you with some information on how to get it.

Falz's New Album: "Bahd"

Falz's latest album, "Bahd", was released on November 13, 2020. The album features 10 tracks, including collaborations with other notable artists like Tiwa Savage, Niniola, and Teni.

Free Download Options:

As of now, there are a few ways to get your hands on Falz's new album "Bahd" for free:

  1. Streaming Platforms: You can stream the album on popular music platforms like Apple Music, Spotify, or Tidal. While these services offer free trials or student plans, you'll need a subscription to access the full album.
  2. YouTube: You can find the album's tracks on Falz's official YouTube channel or other authorized channels. You can watch the music videos or listen to the songs for free, but be aware that YouTube's audio-only streams may have ads.
  3. Music Blogs and Websites: Some music blogs and websites might offer free downloads or streams of the album. However, be cautious when downloading from unofficial sources, as they might contain malware or viruses.

Official Purchase Options:

If you prefer to support Falz and the music industry, you can purchase the album from authorized digital music stores like:

  1. iTunes: Get the album from iTunes for a reasonable price.
  2. Google Play Music: Purchase the album from Google Play Music and enjoy it on your Android device or Google Home.
  3. Amazon Music: Buy the album from Amazon Music and enjoy it on your Amazon Echo or other devices.

Remember to always prioritize official sources and respect the artists' work by purchasing their music or streaming it through authorized platforms.

I hope this helps, and enjoy Falz's new album "Bahd"!