Falz new album

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Falz, the Nigerian rapper and songwriter, has released several albums throughout his career. Here are some of his notable albums:

  1. Wazup Guy (2014) - This was Falz's debut studio album, which introduced his unique blend of hip-hop and comedy.
  2. Bahd Guy (2015) - The follow-up to his debut album, "Bahd Guy" featured hits like "Soft Work" and "Marry Me".
  3. 27 (2017) - This album marked a significant shift in Falz's sound, with a more mature and introspective approach to his lyrics.
  4. Moral Instruction (2019) - This album was a critical and commercial success, featuring songs like "Hypocrite" and "Talk".
  5. B.A.H.D (2020) - This album is a rebranding of his earlier work, with a focus on storytelling and socially conscious lyrics.

As for his latest album, Falz has not officially announced a new one. However, he has been releasing singles and collaborating with other artists, so it's possible that a new album is in the works.

Keep an eye on his social media accounts and music platforms for updates on his latest projects!