Fallout new vegas rex wont join

Rex, the loyal and lovable robot dog from Fallout: New Vegas, can be a bit finicky when it comes to joining your party. Here are some potential reasons why Rex might not be joining you:

  1. Reputation: Rex is a bit of a snob and only wants to join a party with a high enough reputation. If your reputation is too low, he might not be interested in joining you. Try increasing your reputation by completing quests, helping NPCs, and making good choices.
  2. Perception: Rex is also quite particular about his surroundings. If your Perception skill is too low, he might not feel comfortable joining your party. Try increasing your Perception skill by leveling up, using perks, or equipping items that improve Perception.
  3. Loyalty: Rex is a loyal companion and only wants to join a party that he trusts. If you've previously betrayed or abandoned him, he might not want to join you again. Try to rebuild your relationship with Rex by talking to him, giving him gifts, or completing quests that benefit him.
  4. Party size: Rex is a bit of a diva and only wants to join a party with a specific number of members. If your party is too full, he might not want to join. Try reducing the number of party members or using the "Party Management" option to remove unwanted companions.
  5. Quest requirements: Rex is tied to specific quests and might not join your party if you haven't completed the necessary quests or haven't met the required conditions. Check your quest log and make sure you've completed all the necessary quests to unlock Rex's companionship.

To fix the issue, try the following:

  1. Check your reputation and Perception skills. If they're too low, try increasing them by leveling up, using perks, or equipping items that improve these skills.
  2. Talk to Rex and try to rebuild your relationship with him. Give him gifts, complete quests that benefit him, or simply chat with him to improve your bond.
  3. Check your party size and reduce it if necessary. You can use the "Party Management" option to remove unwanted companions.
  4. Complete any necessary quests or meet the required conditions to unlock Rex's companionship.
  5. If none of the above works, try reloading a previous save or restarting the game to see if the issue persists.

Remember, Rex is a unique and special companion, and it might take some effort to win him over. Good luck, and happy gaming!