Fallout new vegas novac

Novac! A small, quirky town in the Mojave Wasteland of Fallout: New Vegas. Here's a rundown of the town and its notable features:

Location: Novac is located in the southeastern part of the Mojave Wasteland, near the border with the NCR (New California Republic). It's situated near the famous Hoover Dam and the 188 Trading Post.

Population: The town has a small population of around 20-30 people, including the town's leader, Trudy.

Notable Features:

  1. Trudy's Bar: The local watering hole, where you can find Trudy, the town's leader, and other patrons. It's a great place to gather information and hear rumors.
  2. The Prospector's Saloon: A small, rundown bar on the outskirts of town, where you can find some shady characters and a few quests.
  3. The 188 Trading Post: A small trading post located just outside Novac, where you can buy and sell goods.
  4. The Hoover Dam: While not directly in Novac, the Hoover Dam is nearby and plays a significant role in the game's story.
  5. The NCR's presence: Novac is a key location for the NCR, and you'll find several NCR soldiers and officials in the area.


  1. "That Lucky Old Sun": A main quest that takes you to Novac, where you'll help the NCR deal with a series of problems.
  2. "One for My Baby": A side quest that involves helping a local resident, who's trying to find a rare bottle of whiskey.
  3. "The Prospector's Claim": A side quest that involves helping a prospector find a valuable mineral deposit.

Tips and Tricks:

  1. Be careful: Novac is a small town, and the locals can be... eccentric. Be prepared for some interesting conversations and encounters.
  2. Keep an eye out for NCR soldiers: They're always on the lookout for trouble, and you don't want to attract unwanted attention.
  3. Explore the surrounding area: There are some interesting locations and quests nearby, including the Hoover Dam and the 188 Trading Post.

Overall, Novac is a charming, if somewhat quirky, town in Fallout: New Vegas. It's a great place to stop by, gather some information, and take on some quests. Just be prepared for some... interesting... encounters!