Fallout new vegas how to reason with ulysses

Reasoning with Ulysses in Fallout: New Vegas can be a bit tricky, but it's definitely possible. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you achieve this:


  1. You must have a high enough Speech skill (at least 50) to persuade Ulysses.
  2. You must have completed the "That Lucky Old Sun" quest and have the "Lucky 38" casino key.
  3. You must have a good reputation with the NCR (National Council of the Republic) and Caesar's Legion.

The Conversation:

  1. Head to the Fortification Hill, which is located in the Mojave Desert, east of the Hoover Dam.
  2. Enter the fort and make your way to the central courtyard, where you'll find Ulysses.
  3. Approach Ulysses and initiate a conversation with him.
  4. Choose the "Reason with Ulysses" option, which will start a dialogue with him.
  5. Ulysses will be skeptical at first, but you can try to persuade him by using your Speech skill and choosing the right dialogue options.

Persuasion Options:

Here are some persuasion options you can use to reason with Ulysses:

Tips and Tricks:

By following these steps and using the right persuasion options, you should be able to reason with Ulysses and convince him to join your cause. Good luck!