Fallout new vegas how to beat ulysses

Ulysses is a formidable foe in Fallout: New Vegas, and defeating him can be a challenge. Here are some tips to help you beat him:


Before facing Ulysses, make sure you're well-prepared:

  1. Level up: Try to reach level 30 or higher to increase your chances of success.
  2. Choose the right weapons: Ulysses is a skilled fighter, so you'll need weapons with high damage output and accuracy. Consider using a high-damage rifle, such as the 10mm pistol or the hunting rifle.
  3. Bring healing items: Ulysses can deal significant damage, so it's essential to have plenty of healing items, such as stimpaks, medkits, and purified water.
  4. Use your SPECIAL perks: Make sure you have perks that benefit your combat performance, such as Critical Banker, Grim Reaper's Revenge, or Bloody Mess.


When facing Ulysses, follow these tactics:

  1. Keep moving: Ulysses is a skilled fighter, so keep moving to avoid his attacks. Use cover to your advantage, such as rocks, buildings, or trees.
  2. Use your environment: The environment can be your friend. Use the terrain to your advantage by luring Ulysses into traps or ambushes.
  3. Focus on his legs: Ulysses is vulnerable to attacks on his legs. Try to hit him in the legs to slow him down and make him more vulnerable to attacks.
  4. Use V.A.T.S.: V.A.T.S. (Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System) can be a game-changer in combat. Use it to target Ulysses's weak points, such as his legs or head.
  5. Conserve your ammo: Ulysses is a tough opponent, so conserve your ammo and use it wisely. Try to take him down with a few well-placed shots rather than wasting ammo on a hail of bullets.

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips to help you beat Ulysses:

  1. Save frequently: Ulysses is a challenging opponent, so save your game frequently to avoid losing progress.
  2. Use your companions: If you have companions, use them to distract Ulysses or take him down. This can be especially helpful if you're having trouble taking him down solo.
  3. Exploit his weaknesses: Ulysses has weaknesses, such as his vulnerability to fire. Use fire-based weapons or explosives to take him down.
  4. Be patient: Defeating Ulysses can take time, so be patient and don't get discouraged if you don't succeed at first.

By following these tips, you should be able to defeat Ulysses and emerge victorious in your battle against him. Good luck!