Fallout new vegas delose equipment

The thrill of scavenging for gear in the Mojave Wasteland!

In Fallout: New Vegas, you can find and equip various items, including weapons, armor, and accessories, to aid you in your adventures. Here are some of the most valuable and sought-after items:


  1. 10mm Pistol: A reliable and versatile sidearm with moderate damage.
  2. Assault Rifle: A high-damage, high-capacity rifle ideal for taking down multiple enemies.
  3. Gatling Laser: A high-damage, high-accuracy weapon with a moderate rate of fire.
  4. Missile Launcher: A powerful, long-range weapon with a slow rate of fire.
  5. Fat Man: A heavy, high-damage launcher that can take out multiple enemies with a single shot.


  1. T-45 Power Armor: A durable, high-HP armor set with moderate damage reduction.
  2. T-51b Power Armor: An upgraded version of the T-45, with increased damage reduction and HP.
  3. Khans' Power Armor: A unique, high-damage armor set with moderate HP.
  4. Leather Armor: A lightweight, low-HP armor set with moderate damage reduction.
  5. Metal Armor: A heavy, high-HP armor set with moderate damage reduction.


  1. Companion: A loyal ally that can aid you in combat and provide bonuses.
  2. Perk Cards: Special abilities that grant bonuses to your character's skills and abilities.
  3. Chemicals: Potent substances that can grant temporary bonuses to your character's abilities.
  4. Med-X: A medical kit that can heal your character's wounds.
  5. Stimpaks: A medical device that can instantly heal your character's wounds.

Other Items:

  1. Water: A vital resource that can quench your character's thirst.
  2. Food: A source of sustenance that can restore your character's health.
  3. Caps: The in-game currency that can be used to purchase items and services.
  4. Lockpicks: Tools that can aid you in bypassing locked doors and containers.
  5. Hacking Devices: Tools that can aid you in bypassing electronic locks and security systems.

These are just a few examples of the many items you can find and equip in Fallout: New Vegas. Remember to always keep an eye out for valuable loot and to manage your inventory wisely to ensure you have the right gear for the job!