Fallout new vegas crucifixion

The infamous "Crucifixion" quest in Fallout: New Vegas!

The Crucifixion is a side quest that can be obtained from the Followers of the Apocalypse, a faction in the game. The quest is triggered by speaking to the Followers' leader, ED-E, who is located in the Followers' safehouse in the New Vegas Strip.

ED-E will tell you that one of their members, a woman named Lily, has gone missing and is believed to have been crucified by the Caesar's Legion, a slaver organization that is hostile to the Followers. ED-E asks you to investigate and put an end to the Legion's cruel practices.

To complete the quest, you'll need to head to the Legion's base, the Fort, which is located in the Mojave Desert. Once you arrive, you'll need to sneak past the Legion's guards and make your way to the area where Lily is being held.

The crucifixion itself is a gruesome and disturbing scene, and it's not for the faint of heart. However, if you're willing to take on the challenge, you can free Lily and put an end to the Legion's cruel practices.

The Crucifixion is a memorable and impactful quest in Fallout: New Vegas, and it's a great example of the game's ability to tackle mature themes and moral dilemmas.