Falling inlove with a new guy

The thrill of falling in love with a new guy! It's an exciting and often unpredictable experience. Here are some common feelings and emotions you might experience when falling in love with someone new:

  1. Butterflies in your stomach: You might feel a fluttery, nervous energy whenever you're around this person. It's like your body is reacting to the excitement and anticipation of getting to know them better.
  2. Increased energy: You might find yourself feeling more energetic and alert when you're with this person. You might even feel like you're on a natural high, which can be a fun and invigorating experience.
  3. Strong attraction: You might feel a strong physical attraction to this person, which can be intense and all-consuming. You might find yourself thinking about them constantly and feeling a strong desire to be with them.
  4. Increased curiosity: You might find yourself wanting to learn more about this person, their interests, values, and goals. You might ask them questions, listen to their stories, and try to understand their perspective.
  5. Feeling seen and heard: When you're falling in love, you might feel like this person is really seeing and hearing you. They might be paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and desires, which can be a powerful and validating experience.
  6. Emotional highs and lows: Falling in love can be an emotional rollercoaster. You might experience intense highs when things are going well, and intense lows when things get tough. This can be a challenging but ultimately rewarding experience.
  7. Increased intimacy: As you get to know this person better, you might feel a desire to be more intimate with them. This can be a natural and healthy part of the falling-in-love process.
  8. Sense of excitement and adventure: Falling in love can be a thrilling and exciting experience. You might feel like you're on a new adventure, exploring new possibilities and experiencing new things.
  9. Increased vulnerability: As you open up to this person, you might feel more vulnerable and exposed. This can be scary, but it can also be a powerful and liberating experience.
  10. Feeling like you're home: When you're falling in love, you might feel like you've found your "home" with this person. You might feel like you've found someone who truly understands and accepts you for who you are.

Remember, falling in love is a unique and personal experience. It's okay if it doesn't always feel like a fairy tale, and it's okay if it's messy and complicated at times. The most important thing is to be true to yourself and to communicate openly and honestly with your partner.