Fall river press new york

Fall River Press is a publishing company based in New York City that specializes in producing high-quality, visually stunning books on a wide range of subjects, including art, architecture, design, photography, and more.

Here are some interesting facts about Fall River Press:

  1. Established in 1984: Fall River Press was founded by a group of publishing professionals who shared a passion for creating beautiful and informative books.
  2. Focus on visual storytelling: The company is known for its attention to detail and commitment to producing books that are both visually stunning and engaging.
  3. Wide range of subjects: Fall River Press publishes books on a variety of subjects, including art, architecture, design, photography, fashion, and more.
  4. Collaborations with renowned artists and designers: The company has collaborated with some of the world's most renowned artists, designers, and photographers, including Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, and Helmut Newton.
  5. High-quality production: Fall River Press is known for its high-quality production standards, using only the finest materials and printing techniques to ensure that each book is a masterpiece.
  6. Limited edition publications: The company often produces limited edition publications, making each book a unique and collectible item.
  7. Partnerships with museums and institutions: Fall River Press has partnered with some of the world's most prestigious museums and institutions, including the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and the Guggenheim Museum.

Some examples of Fall River Press publications include:

Overall, Fall River Press is a respected and renowned publishing company that produces high-quality, visually stunning books that are sought after by collectors, art enthusiasts, and design aficionados alike.