Falae sdp not collect n100m cbn party

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a statement made by Olu Falae, a former Secretary to the Government of the Federation in Nigeria, who is also a member of the Social Democratic Party (SDP).

From what I understand, Olu Falae has made a statement saying that the SDP did not collect the N100 million donated by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to the party. He made this statement during a press conference in Abuja, where he also expressed concerns about the party's financial situation and the need for transparency in its financial dealings.

It's worth noting that the CBN had earlier announced that it would be donating N100 million to the SDP as part of its efforts to support political parties in the country. However, Falae's statement suggests that the party did not receive the donation, and it's unclear why this is the case.

I hope this helps clarify the situation. Let me know if you have any further questions!