Fake news hate speech int'l organization indicts gov bello's

I think there may be some confusion here.

It's important to note that "fake news" is a term often used to describe misinformation or disinformation spread through news outlets or social media. It's not a formal term used by international organizations or legal entities.

Regarding "hate speech," it's a serious issue that can be harmful and offensive to individuals or groups. International organizations, such as the United Nations, have condemned hate speech and called for its eradication.

Now, regarding "indictments"...

I'm assuming you're referring to a news article or report that mentions an international organization, such as the International Criminal Court (ICC), indicting individuals, including Governor Bello, for alleged crimes.

Could you please provide more context or clarify which international organization you're referring to and what specific allegations are being made against Governor Bello? I'd be happy to help you fact-check or provide more information on the matter.