Fake news article

BREAKING: Scientists Discover Cure for Monday Blues, Immediately Lose Funding

In a groundbreaking study published today in the Journal of Overly Optimistic Research, a team of scientists at the University of Somewhere-or-Other has announced the discovery of a cure for the dreaded Monday Blues.

According to the study, the cure involves a combination of daily doses of cat videos, a strict regimen of coffee consumption, and a mandatory 30-minute morning dance party to the tune of "I Will Survive."

"We're thrilled to announce that our research has finally cracked the code on the Monday Blues," said Dr. Jane Smith, lead researcher on the project. "With this cure, people will be able to wake up on Mondays feeling refreshed, revitalized, and ready to take on the day."

However, in a shocking turn of events, the research team has already lost their funding due to a series of unfortunate events.

"It seems that our funding was tied to a grant that was only supposed to last for a year, and we didn't realize that the grant had expired until it was too late," said Dr. Smith. "We're currently scrambling to find new funding sources, but it's looking grim."

In related news, the University of Somewhere-or-Other has announced that it will be replacing the research team with a new group of scientists who specialize in the study of cat videos.

"We're excited to see where this new research takes us," said a university spokesperson. "Who knows, maybe we'll discover a cure for the Tuesday Blues next!"

UPDATE: The research team has launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds for their research. You can donate by clicking here.

FACT CHECK: This article is completely fabricated and not based on any real events or research. The Monday Blues are a real phenomenon, but there is no cure.